Thursday, June 19, 2008

Aaron's LE Reflection Day 5

  • Today, we learnt about how to identify gaps after the assessment, to design an intervention plan or suitable approaches to address the gaps & The Improvement Process.
  • The Approaches to Improvement the LE include interviews or focus group discussions with participants, design an intervention plan or conduct a Review/Reflection or invite an external agency for assistance.
  • Some of the LE considerations are Suitability of the LE Questionnaire, Qualitative Methods, understanding the Cultural Context & the LE assessment to guide improvements in Asian classrooms.
  • My take for today's lesson is that in order to substantiate the research/study process of LE, there is a need to embark on a correct journey by adopting the correct approach & methodology for assessment.

Aaron's LE Reflection Day 4

  • In Day 4, focussed on Assessing & Improving the LE using our very own classroom: Preferred vs Actual data.
  • Learnt how to export data from Excel to SPSS (JIT) to configure the reliability of the data, compare the differences in the result and interpret the data. Make use of the statistical functions i.e. Cronbach's Alpha Reliabiltiy and Paired Sample T-tests to churn out results.
  • Analysis of data in the form of means, standard deviation, reliability and scale means.
  • Learnt how to prepare an academic report on the findings with recommendations and conclusion.Cronbach's Alpha Reliabiltiy and Paired Sample T-tests to churn out results
  • My view on this process is that the driving questions for the Reasearch in the Actual & Preferred WIHIC Forms must draw out students' perceptions and identify the significant differences between the two findings (if any).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Aaron's LE Reflection Day 3

  • Learnt on Modifying LE instruments based on the target audience and context. In order to gather reliable data, need to have a validated istrument to measure (WIHIC), set according to scale so that data can be consolidated systematically, set random Questionnaire to prevent biousness & for consistency check.
  • Methodology employed through Qualitative or Quantitave Approaches using WIHIC or WEBLEI
  • Instrumentation (Dimensions) should be based on type of desired data required for findings.
  • Learnt on exploring additional search engines (addons) to facilitate or improve blog i.e. firefox, wetpaint and technorati

Monday, June 16, 2008

Aaron's LE Reflection Day 2

  • Today, we were given an overview on the need to understand the why, rationale for assessing the LE, ascertain what to access and the how, use of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess the LE
  • The what essentially focuses on the Physical Environment, Students behaviour, sizes and composition and the Social aspect which includes the teacher's MOI, educational tasks and types of activities.
  • The 3 general approaches to LE Research are: Trained observers, inquiry data collection & use of pupil and/or teacher perceptions.
  • Assessment of LE can be conducted by adopting a systematic perspective, perceptual measures, use of instruments using different no.of scales using Moo's scheme, actual vs preferred norms, class vs personal forms or the adaptation of instrument for use in different context.
  • Also learnt on the usefulness of Online Learning Environment & surveys conducted using the 5-point likert scale.

Aaron's LE Reflection for Day 1

  • My key take for today's session has been on understanding the Learning Environment(LE). This includes the what constitutes LE and the key concepts that shape the LE.
  • In the first process, we see the inter-relationship between the human behaviour, personal needs and the person. In the second, we observe an extrinsic process, that the LE is inclusive of the detached observer, a group of people and the partuicipant.
  • The startegies involved include Paired-Verbal Fluency (PVF) & Think-Pair, Share (TPS). Other methods include Forums which allows postings of thread for multiple responses or a Blog which allows response only one at a time.
  • The 3 perspectives of a LE include a Learner-CentredLE, Knowledge-centred LE, Assessment-centred LE & Community-centred LE base on Brandsford model.
  • In the survey done, I am noted to adopt a Commanding/authoritarian management style.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hi guys, hope that my blog would bring some useful information to your learning.